Energy Saving Platform

Energy Saving Platform

Energy Saving Platform
Product Design
Design Sprint

Industry Vertical

GreenTech, Energy & Utilities, Natural Resources, Energy

Industry Vertical

B2B SaaS, B2C

Our Work

IT Staff Augmentation, Custom Software Development

About the Project

We partnered with the client to augment their IT team and provide custom software development services. Our team's contribution enabled the client to provide a unique, engaging, and seamless experience for their users while incentivizing energy savings.

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Unique Solution
Unique Solution
Incentivized Savings
Incentivized Savings
Energy Saving Platform

Key Challenges

Legacy App Maintenance & Upgrading to SPA

The main challenge was to identify and address errors in the web application in use, which required bug fixing and feature enhancement. Furthermore, designing a unique, more engaging, and a seamless experience for the users was also crucial.

Device Integrations

The challenge was to integrate various smart energy monitoring devices with the Energy Saving Platform's system, allowing users to register their devices and earn rewards for saving energy.

Incentivized Energy Saving Plan

To create an internal tool for managing energy-saving events and messages, and integrating APIs for SMS and email services to fine-tune the way Energy Saving Platform communicates with its users.

Device Integrations

To enable a rapid go-to-market presence by building a fresh, new website for the Energy Saving Platform's Texas branch, engaging potential clients and users, and successfully launching the site within a month.
Energy Saving Platform
Energy Saving Platform

Our Solutions

SPA Upgrade

SPA Upgrade

Upgraded legacy app to a Single Page Application, addressing errors and improving performance and user experience

Device Integration

Device Integration

Integrated smart interfaces for air conditioning units, streamlining device interactions for improved control and efficiency

Website Development

Website Development

Built a new website using WebFlow to enable rapid go-to-market presence for the Energy Saving Platform

Fraud & Data Filtering

Fraud & Data Filtering

Developed fraud-checking algorithms and dynamic data filtering with Twilio API for the Origin-Spike rewards program

Event Management Tool

Event Management Tool

Created a tool for OhmHour events with API integrations for SMS via Twilio and email via Active Campaign

Key Features

Smart Dashboard

An in-app dashboard that automatically analyzes driver behavioral data and generates personalized reports for improved coaching.

Connect with your utility company

The platform allows you to connect with your utility company,
making it easy to save energy and reduce your electricity bill.
Student Athletes Empowering Platform

Smart device integration

The platform offers smart device integration for electronic units,
so you can control your devices remotely and save energy.
Energy Saving Platform

OhmHour Events

Participate in OhmHour events and earn rewards
for reducing energy use during peak hours.
Energy Saving Platform

Spin Rewards

Users can share their rewards and achievements on social media platforms,
creating a sense of community and encouraging engagement.
Energy Saving Platform

Results obtained


Enhanced User Experience

By upgrading the legacy app to a single-page application, the platform offers a seamless and intuitive interface, resulting in a more engaging experience for users.

Improved Communication

Improved Communication

Twilio's SMS and Active Campaign's email integrations ensure effective communication, keeping users updated on rewards, events, and other important information.

Streamlined Management

Streamlined Management

The internal tool for OhmHour events and Origin-Spike rewards simplifies management, ensuring efficient identification and rewarding of legitimate users.

Quick Market Presence

Rapid Go-to-Market Presence

The WebFlow-built website allowed quick establishment of a strong online presence, boosting visibility and market reach in a short time.

PayPalPythonwebflow TwilioAmazon RDSC ProgrammingVue.jsJinjaDjangoAWS Elastic Load BalancerCSS3React.jsPythonAWS S3AWSRedisAWS Simple Email Service (SES)FlaskFlask

Business needs it fulfills

Enhanced User Experience

Enhanced User Experience

Efficient User Communication

Efficient User Communication

Effective Energy Management

Effective Energy Management

Quick Market Presence

Quick Market Presence

Optimized Resource Allocation

Optimized Resource Allocation


"They’re easy to work with and they get the job done."

Max Dunn

Founder & CEO

Let’s build something great together

We believe in turning ideas into reality and we're ready to join your journey. Reach out to us and let's start discussing your project.

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